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Faltu smp & Faltu lifesteal are under RG NETWORK, by REAL GAMING, we try to provide smoother gameplay experience, our smp "Faltu smp" Is 24/7 online which provides smooth experience, faltu smp restarts every 3 hour ( 3am , 6am , 9am , 12 pm , 3pm , 6pm , 9pm , 12am ) , faltusmp is a family friendly server a good place to make friends , we have report system in our site if you want to report about anyone you can report about it, we also have a status page where you can monitor our server off / on status, you can also check our uptime/downtime . Our site also has a review system you can review our discord, site this will motivate us to bring a more smoother experience,additionally you can join our discord for latest updates, annoucements, any changes in ip/port , maintenance, to talk with one and only real gaming.
Faltu SMP ip = Lifesteal SMP ip =